Friday, May 14, 2010

The Battle is Over: Victory is Secure

At 2:11 am this morning Pop was reunited with Granny and Momma in heaven. In the months since Pops cancer diagnosis we as well as countless others have prayed for healing. God in his infinite wisdom answered our prayers in His time and in His way. A good friend told us at the beginning of this journey that it was a beautiful thing. We didn't understand at the time but now we do. God has poured the blessing out amongst the pain. He allowed Pop to see the beginning of heaven and Pop's whole perspective changed. He no longer battled cancer, he was headed home. He let us know he was OK and it was important to him that we be OK with it too. All the things we wanted to say were said and in the last few days we were able to watch Pop love on so many people; doctors, nurses, friends, and family. He just couldn't help himself. They couldn't help loving him back .... you know ..... no one could. What an incredible example of loving God and loving people.

The man you all knew as Pop, Poppa Sam, Uncle Sam, Mr. Weaver, or Poppy, we knew as dad. God was so gracious to allow me and my sisters the opportunity to call him daddy. We had the bestest daddy in the whole wide world. We will miss him. What a legacy he has left. It's a beautiful thing.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Waiting on the Lord

Its 11:30 pm on May 12th and here we sit at Pops house visiting, sharing but mostly being near an incredible man of God. You know my dad never spoke much about his faith or his Jesus to me but he certainly demonstrated it. I learned more about him the last couple weeks than I had the previous 43 years of my life. He always had the answer be it electrical, be it plumbing, be it mechanical, be it life. We will miss him very deeply ...... I know lots of people will.

The past three weeks he has been in the hospital and the doctors, his amazing doctors, tried desperately to keep the fluid from building in his lungs. They had to have drained more than 5 liters of fluid off total and had moved his chest tubes to keep chasing the fluid pockets. His battle was ferocious, painful, and tiring. Some amazing things happened during these three weeks and the battle took a twisted turn.

The 2nd floor staff at HRMC worked valiantly and put up with a whole lot of Weavers for three weeks. Hats off to them. We laughed with them, cried with them, prayed with them, waited with them but mostly became family with them. It was so beautiful to watch them high five and hug Pop as he was being transported out of the unit. Pop joked with them until the elevator doors shut. We had seen folks come and go for three weeks and this was no normal dismissal. A regular processional. When he got home his face lit up and he chatted with folks and was feelinig great. We even began doubting he was as ill as we thought. When the morning came we began to see what Pop had returned home for. As the day today passed he became more and more unresponsive. The hospice nurses take such great care of him it is incredible. Nurses certainly gifted and ordained by God to take care of the ones He is calling home. As his condition declined they mentioned it may not be 24 hrs. The process was rapidly speeding up. Friends and family continued to drop by to see Pop and to tell him they loved him and I could see the pain on some folks face. The praise team stopped by and began praying with Pop and his whole breathing and all changed. He could hear I know as he was squeezing my hand and in the middle of the prayer a song broke out and I swear I heard angels praising God. "Peace like a river" flowed into "It is well with my soul". Incredibly beautiful and conveyed exactly what Pop told my sisters and I when he had his talk with us about what was going to happen. Kinda reminded me when Jesus told his disciples what was happening to Him and they thought....nahhh. He told us he was good where he was ... that it was Ok. He wanted us to be good with it too. Its kinda cool when the one laying in the hospital bed is teaching the ones doing the caregiving how to give care, how to love, how to accept a change in the battle plan. That he did. The battle plan changed. A new strategy was put into play ... one that couldn't fail.
So here we sit trying to get some sleep, Waiting on the Lord. He is good and Pop told us it's going to turn out better than we ever imagined. As far as I can remember he has never lied to us so I don't expect him to start now.
Thank you Pop for teaching us to love God and to love people. We love you and we are going to miss you.

Welcome Home

Just to let you know Sam came home yesterday with hospice care. He had a big smile on his face when he arrived! His old bedroom is set up with all the things he needs at this time.

"It only takes a minute" is something Pop has said over the last few days. If you are not sure what that means just ask one of the family members. They will be glad to tell you.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Brief Update

Our intentions were to have Terry write on the blog and mention his talks about the Hope Lodge at the Survivor Reception (Relay for Life) and another event he was able to speak at. Then we were going to post some of the Relay for Life ~ Loads of Hope team pictures. We will do that at another time since too many other things have come up. Also we wanted to let those of you who only get info from the blog be updated.

Shannon last posted on April 20th. Well, that afternoon Sam was admitted into Highlands Regional Medical Center with pneumonia. Since that time he is still in the hospital and they have had to take fluids off his lung 3 times and have had two surgical procedures to insert a drain that is hooked to a tank to remove the fluids. The fluids continue to build even with the drain. Sonya and Shannon have taken turns at work and staying with Pop during the day and Terry has been doing the night shift so someone is there at all times. He has a fentanyl pain patch on and he also can get some other pain meds (dilaudid) when he needs it. When the fluid starts building it causes the pain to increase.
He has been able to tolerate some solid foods (no steak at this time) which has been a blessing.

We will write more when we get a chance. Remember God is good and He has the perfect plan.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cancer Sucks!

Shannon here... Once again, I hate that word "sucks" and do not allow my children to say it. But I do allow them to wear the bracelet that says "Cancer Sucks"!! It has been a while since I have been on here. First let me say that Relay for life was awesome, very emotional, but awesome. Our team raised $7200. The town as a whole I believe raised close to $50,000. As some of you know, Terry posted that dad was to have the stent placed in his esophagus the Friday before Relay. To be quite honest, it has pretty much been hell for him every since. He has had alot of pain with it. Even a week and a half later he is still in pain. The pain medicine makes him very nauseous. After pitching myself a little fit on the phone with the dr., we finally got a rx for Phenergan called in. This knocks him out. So to make a long story short, the only way we can keep him comfortable right now is to keep him pretty much sedated. Sonya and I decided right now things have slowed down at work enough that it would be better if I stayed here with him more, to help feed him and give him his meds. I have to say it is a pretty frustrating position. We went to Moffitt last Thursday and they decided that we need to do chemo again, so that will start next Monday, on the 26th. His coughing and breathing also seem to be getting worse but I think this is probably from lack of movement. The problem with that is when he has to move he starts coughing, hurting and then getting sick. (Which makes the pain worse) I really wish I knew that chemo would help him rather than knock him down even more but I am not so sure.
Meanwhile, Sonya is holding it together at work. Terry is having to travel more with his job, in addition to a few stops giving presentations on the Hope Lodge. (I will let him blog about that)
As for me, I am trying to hold it together here not understanding why he is still in so much pain. I am about ready to make the appointment to tell the dr. to yank that stent right back out but there were difficulties without it too. Sigh! I pray that as the next days go on his pain will subside. He sure doesn't deserve to suffer!!!! Thats all for now. I will try to keep everyone posted more often now. Shannon

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Short Update

Sam will have a stent placed in his esophagus on Friday, April 9th at noon. Please keep him and the family in your prayers. This week will also be a big week with preparing for Relay for Life. Just a reminder that the opening ceremonies start at noon on Sat., April 10th and continues to April 11th at 5am. The event takes place on the high school football field in Lake Placid, FL. We are a big part of the Survivor Reception so we still need some more help. If you can help please give us a call. Sam is the honorary chairperson if you were not aware of that.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Tough Day. A Patient God. A Loved Pop

Having a hard time posting tonight. I wish we could post good news, and I am searching for some to report. No mistake there is positive and we are determined to focus on it and not the negative. But its still tough. For an instant today I was mad .... at God, no less. Can't help thinking my sisters and our spouses as well as Pop felt the same way for an instant. Not sure about them but my anger kinda slipped into brokenness and now I'm not sure what I feel. Before anyone panics, I never stopped loving God, nor trusting in Him, I was just angry with Him for a bit. I'm not totally certain but I believe the whole Weaver offspring set probably shared the same feelings today. Seeing Sonya fight back tears today welled that protective big brother instinct and I had no ability to fix it. Knowing Shannon and Pop were visiting the doctors and getting the test results without Sonya and I there to share hugs and tears knotted my stomach. Quite simply ... Cancer sucks!

I guess I better quit my whining and catch you up. Pop and Shannon left for that amazing God infested place called Moffitt Cancer Center yesterday for Pop to undergo some test. I think he had another CAT scan and PET scan to see how well the radiation and the first bit of chemo and trial drugs performed. They were to stay the night and get the tests results today. From the best I could understand, Pop got the results from the CAT scan but not the PET scan. The CAT scan showed more areas in the other lung that appeared to be consistent with cancer (they grew since the last scan). Pop's doctor also advised him to consider getting a stint in his esophagus to keep it open so that he could get back to his chemo treatments. He encouraged him to check that option out fairly soon. We were unable to determine how well the radiation worked without the results of the PET scan. Not sure when we are to get those results or when Pop has another doctors appointment. Shannon has been a trooper in keeping up with that. Lets pray the PET scan shows positive progress.

Now for the positives .... Pop has maintained his weight (woohoo!!)and the doctor said he didn't appear to be any thinner than last time he saw him. Maintaining his weight through a feeding tube is a major accomplishment and we hope we can turn that tide just a little and actually gain a little. Shannon reported that although being a little short of breath Pop walked to all his appointments and believe this, Moffitt is bigger than it looks from the outside. Pop was a little tired. He did good but with the results shared today we were a little afraid that Pop would get discouraged. Shannon did ask him if he was going to do chemo again and Pop said "what choice do I have"? That was encouraging to us to know that Pop was still determined to fight. We hope and pray that he keeps that determination. The way we chose to look at it is every day is one more day and one more chance at a miracle. What is amazing is this journey is only a little over 6 months long, it seems like an eternity. We may have a lot of fight left but we have a lot of fight left in us. Pop is a Weaver .... and Weavers don't quit, at least that was what we were taught since birth. Kinda goes along with the hard-headedness obviously born and bred into us. Pop is tired though and I ask that all keep praying for strength and endurance for him. Pray that he is able to get out more and get his blood flowing. Pray for healing in the esophagus. Pray his spirit remains strong and his determination steadfast. Pray that he feels all the love that His God and all his many friends have for him. Pray for less pain. Pray for the doctors discernment in treatment options. Pray for Gods mercy and will. Pray! Pray! Pray!

And God btw I'm not mad anymore! Broken, hurt, a bit discouraged ..... yes. But not angry. Thank you for being a patient God that is big enough to handle our fits and still love us! We love you and I know Pop loves you. Treat him with mercy please. Look over him and comfort him. Cover him with the peace that you are there and that you will never ever leave him.
We will try .... I promise, to keeping loving You and loving people.
And may you receive all the praise, honor and glory
2 Corinthians 4:17-18